S. Perathoner
Peoples > Full Professors

Siglinda PERATHONER earned her PhD in Chemical Sciences in 1988, working on the photophysics and photochemistry of supramolecular systems with V. Balzani and the Nobel Prize J.M. Lehn. She joined the University of Messina in 2001 and is currently a full professor of Industrial Chemistry.
She has coordinated many European projects and is currently the coordinator of the OCEAN European project on new industrial electrocatalytic pathways for CO2 conversion leading to the realisation of a demo unit. She has been active for over 30 years in the field of catalysis and is the author of about 400 publications, several in the top 1%, and over 500 communications at international conferences. She is a co-editor of several books or special issues of international catalysis journals. Additionally, she is a co-author of numerous highly cited papers in international journals and has been the chair of several international conferences, workshops and symposiums on catalysis.
She is the editor of the Wiley VCH book "Sustainable Industrial Chemistry", the Wiley & Sons book "Green Carbon Dioxide: Advances in CO2 Utilisation" and the Elsevier book "Horizons in Sustainable Industrial Chemistry and Catalysis". She has contributed to various encyclopedias, including "Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by catalytic processes" in the Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and "Artificial Leaves" in the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. She co-chaired Europacat 2017, an important event in the Catalysis community, and was chair of several other conferences.
The current h-index is 80 (50 from 2018), with over 26,000 citations (Google Scholar Aug 23) and i10-index 297. Among the prizes and recognitions were the Special Award in 2008 from "The Altran Foundation for Innovation" for the project on the development of artificial leaves for the conversion of CO2; the participation in 2011 in the film "NanoInLife" produced by the European Commission to show the results of nanotechnologies to the public; the Mario Giacomo Levi Medal of the Italian Chemical Society of 2021 for the innovative activity that led to industrial achievements, and in 2021 the President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) of the CAS (Chinese Academy as Visiting Scientists).
Her research interests include nanostructured oxides and nanocarbons for catalytic applications, particularly in the photo and electrocatalytic sector, using solar energy to convert CO2, H2O and N2.
e-mail: perathon@unime.it
http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8814-1972 ResearcherID A-6257-2010 Scopus Author ID 7004123307
CV Siglinda PERATHONER (Feb. 2021)