Invited lecture
INVITED LECTURES (selection, 2015-2023)

- G. Centi, An intro to ERC Synergy SCOPE Project, Australian national workshop of plasma and catalysis researchers, April 26, 2023, Adelaide (Australia), invited /online)
- S. Perathoner, Electrocatalysis: facing the challenge of extending its use to go beyond fossil fuels, Europacat 2021, Prague, Czech Rep., 27/08-1/09 2023, keynote
- S. Perathoner,Chemical Industry and its evolution, School of Industrial Chemistry, Torino, 28 May- 1° June 2023, plenary
- S. Perathoner, Converting CO2 in an artificial leaf device built with earth-abundant materials for combined H2 production and storage as formate with solar-to-fuel efficiency > 10%, 20th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization – ICCDU XX, Bari, June 25-29th, 2023, invited
- G. Centi, Foster innovation in the production and distribution of green H2 ,14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, 17-21 Sept. 2023, Berlin (Germany), invited
- G. Centi, SUNER-C: foster activities between projects in the area of solar fuels, Brussels. 10th Oct. 2023, keynote
- G. Centi, From e-fuels to solar fuels to address the challenge of a carbon-neutral future, 4th EECAT (The 4th Int. Symp. on Catalytic Science and Techn. in Sustainable Energy and Environment), 15-18th Oct. 2023, Beijing, China, plenary
- G. Centi, DECADE project: CO2 to acetyl acetate, Webinar SUN2CHEM “European strategies and perspectives for converting solar energy into fuels”, October 24th, 2023, keynote
- G. Centi, The role of (photo)electrocatalytic devices for a solar-based and circular-carbon economy, IC-MES2023 ALGERIA, 12-14 November 2023, plenary
- G. Centi, Green Hydrogen peroxide, Workshop “Catalysis: yesterday, today and tomorrow”, Venice, 8th Nov. 2023, invited
- G. Centi, Outlook for CO2-Reduction and Future Scenarios on a European Level, Wilhelm e Else Heraeus 758 Seminar (From Wind and Solar Energy to Chemical Energy Storage: Understanding and Engineering Catalysis under Dynamic Conditions), 10th-13rd Jan. 2022, online, plenary
- G. Centi, Chemistry and catalysis technologies for sustainable development and renewable energy, On-line School of SSCC (national Doctorate on Sustainability and Climate Changes), January 20 2022
- G. Centi, La CO2 come risorsa, Convegno della Regione Lombardia “Il futuro ispirato alla natura: strategie, materiali, processi e orizzonte della transizione sostenibile”, 18 Marzo 2022, Milano, plenary
- G. Centi, DistributEd Chemicals And fuels production from CO2 in photoelectrocatalytic Devices, CEN/TC 386 "Photocatalysis" plenary meeting 21-22 March 2022, online, keynote
- G. Centi, Electrodes synthesis and properties, eCCU3 March 30 2022, online, invited.
- G. Centi Solar to chemical energy storage: a crucial technology for islands, SOLAR2CHEM X SEAFUEL Symposium, March 30 - April 1 2022, Tenerife, Canary Island (Spain), plenary
- G. Centi, Opportunities for catalytic technologies in an evolving scenario, CASALE Co., Lugano, April 8 2022, invited.
- G. Centi, Expanding the concepts to address the challenge of solar fuels and electrification of the chemical production, Symp. on Materials for emerging energy technologies, IMDEA Energy Institute, May 19th-20th, 2022, plenary
- G. Centi, From thermal to reactive catalysis to move beyond fossil fuels, 19th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Espoo (Finland), 6-8th June 2022, plenary
- G. Centi, e-Refineries for solar conversion into chemicals: challenges and opportunities, SUNER-C Roadmap meeting Shaping the future: renewable fuels & chemicals from solar energy, Bruxelles, 14-15 June 2022, keynote
- G. Centi, Catalysis for the net zero emission challenge, 12th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2022), July 30-August 2, 2022, Osaka, Japan, keynote
- G Centi, Expanding the concepts to address the challenge of solar fuels and electrification of the chemical production, Global forums, Frontier of chemical engineering, August 9 2022 (online), plenary
- G. Centi, Plasma-catalysis to address CO2 utilisation challenge in energy-intensive industries, International Symposium on Plasma Catalysis For CO2 Recycling, 13th-15th September 2022, Krakow, Poland, plenary
- G. Centi, Plasmonic catalysts at room temperature, 2nd Int Conf. on Unconventional Catal., Reactors and Appl. Sept. 21-23th, 2022 Leamington Spa, U.K., keynote.
- G. Centi, Transforming catalysis to produce e-fuels, H2 Summer School, ENEA Casaccia Res. Center Rome (Italy), Sept. 21-23th, 2022, plenary (online)
- G. Centi, From 1st to 2nd generation technologies to make chemicals via green hydrogen, AVOGADRO COLLOQUIA 2022, From Water to Chemicals: Vision and Opportunities of a Sustainable Hydrogen Society Rome, 15th - 16th Dec. 2022, keynote
- S. Perathoner, Bridging nanoscience and electrocatalysis to design advanced electrodes, 44th Int Conference on Coord. Chem., Au. 28th- Sept. 2th, 2022, Rimini, Italy. Invited
- S. Perathoner, Catalysis between energy transition and sustainable chemical production, ChiBioFarAm (Univ Messiva) dept. Conferences, Messina (Italy) Dec. 6th, 2022, plenary
- G. Centi, Close the carbon cycle through substitution of fossil fuels, STOA (European Parliament) workshop "Decarbonising European Industry: Hydrogen and Other Solutions", March 1, 2021, online, invited
- G. Centi, Opportunities and needs for catalysis to close the carbon cycle and go beyond the use of fossil fuels, RIPP, SINOPEC (Beijing, PR China) March 3, 2021, Online, plenary
- G. Centi, How a strong E.U. community accelerates electrocatalyst research, Electrocatalysis Summit, April 14, 2021, online, keynote
- G. Centi, Photoelectrocatalysis for the conversion of CO2 avoiding water oxidation, SUNCOCHEM Webinar, April 28, 2021, online, keynote
- G. Centi, The vision of future sustainable energy & production: opportunities for innovation & business, MSc in Business Administration Univ. Rome "Tor Vergata", May 12, 2021, online, plenary
- G. Centi, Advanced Photoelectrocatalytic Devices for Coupling Bio- and Solar-Refinery, EU Green Week, 4th June 2021, online, keynote
- G. Centi, Bio-based feedstocks to chemical building blocks: design and technical feasibility, Organic electrochemistry: towards a sustainable chemical industry in 2030, June 10, 2021, online, keynote
- G. Centi, Ripensare la produzione chimica per affrontare la sfida dei cambiamenti climatici e della sostenibilità, AIDIC - giornata sulla transizione energetica e ambientale, 23 giugno 2021, keynote
- G. Centi, La filiera dell’idrogeno, Stati Generali Idrogeno, Catania 15 Luglio 2021
- G. Centi, Electrocatalysis: role and prospects to defossilize chemical and energy, plenary production, 1st Malaysia inter-conference on nanotechnology & catalysis MICNC2021 – September 1 2021, online
- G. Centi, Rethinking e-catalysis to address defossilization of chemical and energy production, Young Researchers CIS 202, September 8 2021, online, plenary
- G. Centi, Electrocatalysis: role and prospects to defossilize chemical and energy production, Fundacion Ramon Areces, October 5, 2021, online, plenary
- G. Centi, Electrocatalytic direct nitrogen fixation: perspectives and gaps, Solvay Workshop on "Plasma Technology and Other Green Methods for Nitrogen Fixation", (Brussels, November 15-17, 2021), keynote
- G. Centi, Electrocatalysis: role and prospects to defossilize chemical and energy production, XVth International Symposium on Environment, Catalysis and Process Eng. ECGP'15, 23 - 25 November 2021, online, plenary
- G. Centi, Rethinking e-catalysis to address defossilization of chemical and energy production, Casale- Symposium «Catalysis for the Industrial Renaissance and New Sustainable Processes» November 16, 2021 - online, plenary
- G. Centi, Moderator of Public Session: European Hydrogen Research and Innovation Priorities, Session 2 (Renewable Hydrogen Production, Distribution and Storage), November 30 2021 (Brussels, Belgium).
- S. Perathoner, The New C2 Value Chain from CO2 Electrocatalytic Reduction, EU Green Week, Bruxelles, Belgium. 04/06 2021, invited
- G. Centi, Changing Catalysis Paradigms to Face the Transition in Energy and Chemical Production, Technical University Eindhovern (The Netherlands), Feb. 10th, 2020, plenary
- S. Perathoner, T4. Production of Solar Fuels Using CO2, SINCHEM Winter School 2020, 4-6, 2020 Bologna, Italy; plenary.
- G. Centi, La trasformazione della produzione chimica nella prospettiva del Green Deal", plenary, workshop " La “Green Chemistry” e le Energie Rinnovabili: nuovi scenari e nuove opportunità", L'Aquila (Italy), Feb. 21, 2020
- 4th Euro Asia Zeolite Congress (4th EAZC), 27-30th Jan. 2019. Taormina (ME), Italy; keynote (G. Centi)
- First International Bunsen-Discussion-Meeting on Fundamentals and Applications of (Photo) Electrolysis for Efficient Energy Storage, April 1 – 5, 2019 in Taormina, Italy; invited lecture (S. Perathoner)
- ISGC-2019 (International Symposium on Green Chemistry), La Rochelle France), 13-17 May 2019, plenary (G. Centi)
- 12 th International Symposium of the Romanian Catalysis Society (RomCat 2019), June 5-7, 2019, Bucharest, Romania; plenary (G. Centi)
- Summer School "Making Business with new technologies within green chemistry & sustainabile energy), plenary (G. Centi & S. Perathoner)
- 8th Asia Pacific Congress on Catalysis (APCAT-8), Bangkok Thailand, August 4-7th, 2019, plenary (G. Centi)
- G. Centi, Changing catalysis paradigms to face the transition in energy and chemical production" Plenary, 51. Symp. on catal., Prague (Czech Rep.) 2-3 Nov. 2019.
- G. Centi, “Development and performances of thin nanostructured photoactive films for photoelectrocatalytic devices”, keynote, “Innovative Materials for Energy” (IME), Messina, Italy, 20-22 Nov. 2019
- 10th Int. Conference on Env. Cat. & the 3rd Int. Symp. on Catalytic Science and Techn. in Sustainable Energy and Env. (ICEC&EECAT2018), Tianjin (China), Sept. 22-26th, 2018, keynote (G. Centi)
- 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference (CHEMPOR2018), Aveiro (Portugal), 2-4 October 2018, plenary (G. Centi)
- SGI-SIMP Conference (Geosciences for the environment, natural hazard and cultural heritage), Catania (Italy),12-14 Sept. 2018, invited (S. Perathoner)
- 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, 26-30 August, 2018, Liverpool UK, keynote (G. Centi)
- 2nd International Forum on Clean Energy, Aug. 24-25, 2018, Dalian China. plenary (G. Centi)
- Gordon Research Conference Green Chemistry, Castelldefels (Spain), July 29 - August 3, 2018, keynote (G. Centi)
- EFCATS School on Catalysis, June 25-29 2018, Castle Libice (Czech Rep.), plenary (G. Centi)
- CARBOCAT VIII - 8th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, Porto (Portugal), 26th-29th June 2018, keynote (S. Perathoner)
- 2018 BIST (Barcellona Institute of Science and Technology) Conference, June 27th, 2018, Barcellona (Spain), invited (dialoge:The energy re-evolution: To be clean or not to be), S. Perathoner
- Science Academy - Bologna Institute, 50th Years of Heterogeneous Catalysis, 22 June 2018, Bologna (Italy), invited (G. Centi & S. Perathoner)
- Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at the University of Rostock (LIKAT),. Rostock (Germany), 30th May 2018, invited (G. Centi)
- RIPP (Research Institute of Petroleum Proc.), SINOPEC, 24-25th May 2018, Beijing (China), cycle of 5 seminars (G. Centi)
- PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Richland (WA, US), April 17th, 2018, invited (G. Centi)
- Syngas 3 Convention, Cape Town, South Africa, 25-28 March 2018, plenary (G. Centi)
- Autumn School on ‘Industrial catalysis and CO2 activation’, 22-24 March 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, plenary (G. Centi)
- ChemEner2018, January 28 -31, 2018, Berlin - Germany, plenary (G. Centi)
- Ernst Haage Symposium, November 22-24 2017, Mülheim - Germany, plenary (S. Perathoner)
- The 18th Chinese National Congress on Catalysis, October 16-20th, 2017, in Tianjin - China, plenary (G. Centi)
- Industrial Technologies Info Days, European Commission, 3-4 Oct 2017 in Brussels - Belgium, keynote (G. Centi)
- SCI2017 (XXVI Congress of the Italian Chemical Society), 10-14 Sept. 2017 Paestum (SA9 - Italy, Cannizzaro lecture (G. Centi)
- World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis (WCOC 2017) (Krakow, Poland, 3rd - 8th September 2017), plenary (G. Centi)
- Symposium on Nanomaterials in Energy Research and Catalysis (Aug. 24th, 2017, in Seoul – S. Korea / Institute of Basic Science), plenary (G. Centi)
- Workshop on CO2, Univ. Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malesia), 20 July 2017, plenary (S. Perathoner)
- CIS-7 (7th Czech-Italian-Spanish Symposium on Catalysis), June 13-17th 2017, Trest (Czech Rep.), plenary (S. Perathoner)
- Workshp on Science & Techn Innov for Brasil, UNESP Araraquara (Brasil), March, 9-10th, 2017, plenary (S. Perathoner)
- NOVACAM Conference Green Catalysis by Design, Padova, 23 February 2017, plenary (G. Centi)
- 7th Korea CCUS International Conference, Jeju Islnad (Korea), Feb. 8-10, 2017, plenary (G. Centi)
- Univ. of Malaya, Nanocat Lecturship, 19th Jan 2017, Kuala Lumpur (Malesia), plenary (S. Perathoner)
- Workshop on “Next Generation Energy Storage Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities”, 2-3rd December 2015, Taormina, Italy, New approaches to recycle CO2 and reduce emissions, invited (S. Perathoner)
- NANOTECHITALY 2015 (Sect.: Bio-Inspired and Bio-Based Technologies), Bologna, Nov. 25 – 27th, 2015, Artificial photosynthetic leaves: their role for sustainable future, invited (S. Perathoner)
- Third International Conference on Catalysis for renewable sources: fuel, energy, chemicals (CRS-3), Catania, , September 6‐11, 2015, Integrating bio‐and solar refineries: an effective new option, plenary (S. Perathoner)
- Nano and Interfacial Catalysis, Dalian (China), July 9-11, 2016, keynote (G. Centi)
- ICZ 18 (International Zeolite Conference), 18-24 June 2016 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), plenary (G. Centi)
- School on Zeolites. University of Campinas (Brazil) 17-18th June, 2016, plenary (G. Centi)
- CARBOCAT VII - 12-17 June 2016 – Strasbourg (France), plenary (G. Centi)
- Workshop on Layered Materials, Trest (Czech Rep.), 15-19 Sept. 2016; plenary (G. Centi)
- CatBior 2015 (3rd Int. Congress on Catal. for Biorefineries), Sept. 27-30, 2015 Rio de Janeiro - Brasil . plenary (G. Centi)
- Faraday Discussion Carbon Dioxide Utilization, 7-9 Sept. 2015 Sheffield, UK, invited (G. Centi)
- IUPAT 2015 , Busan Korea Aug. 6-13, 2015. keynote (G. Centi)
- 3rd Int. Conference on Catalysis for renewable sources: fuel, energy, chemicals (CRS-3), Catania, September 6‐11, 2015, plenary (S. Perathoner)
- Europacat XII, Kazan Russia, 30 Aug. - 4 Sept. 2015, keynote (G. Centi)
- Workshop on Future Low and Zero Carbon Energy, 25th June 2015, Thessaloniki (Greece), plenary (G. Centi)
- 3rd TMFB June 23-25th, 2015; Aachen (Germany), plenary (G. Centi)
- Industrial day - ISPC 22 Antwerp, July 5-10, 2015 (Belgium), plenary (G. Centi)
- X National Conference on Materials Science and Technology, June 28Th and July 1st, 2015 Favignana (Italy), European Catalysis Cluster (ECC). Foster synergies to address the grand challenges of catalysis and society, invited (S. Perathoner)
- Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, 20th May 2015, Titania- based thin films for renewable energy applications, invited (IMR invited lecture IL-15), (S. Perathoner)
- 31st PSI Electrochemistry Symposium, May 6, 2015 - Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI (Swiss), plenary (G. Centi)
- Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, 7th Lecture - Catalysis Forum, May 22, 2015, Dalian (China), invited (G. Centi)
- E-MRS 2015 (European Material Research Society) Spring Meeting Lille - May 11 – 15 2015, Symp. B, invited keynote (S. Perathoner)
- ABBE 2015-workshop (Advanced Biofuels, Biorefinery and Bioeconomy), Bratislava (Slovakia), 25-27 March 2015, plenary (S. Perathoner)
- XLVI Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis, March 16th to 18th 2015 Krakow (Poland), plenary (S. Perathoner)
- Sinchem Winter School 2015, Bologna - Feb., 16 – 17 , 2015, Artificial Photosynthetic Leaves, Plenary (S. Perathoner)
Updated on Dec 8th, 2023