Peoples > Research Group
Francesco Tavella

- De Brito, J.F., Tavella, F., Genovese, C., Ampelli, C., Zanoni, M.V.B., Centi, G., Perathoner, S. Role of CuO in the modification of the photocatalytic water splitting behavior of TiO2 nanotube thin films (2018) Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 224, pp. 136-145.
- Saboo, T., Tavella, F., Ampelli, C., Perathoner, S., Genovese, C., Marepally, B.C., Veyre, L., Quadrelli, E.A., Centi, G. Water splitting on 3D-type meso/macro porous structured photoanodes based on Ti mesh (2018) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 178, pp. 98-105.
- Tavella, F., Ampelli, C., Frusteri, L., Frusteri, F., Perathoner, S., Centi, G. Development of photoanodes for photoelectrocatalytic solar cells based on copper-based nanoparticles on titania thin films of vertically aligned nanotubes (2018) Catalysis Today, 304, pp.190-198.
- Marepally, B.C., Ampelli, C., Genovese, C., Tavella, F., Veyre, L., Quadrelli, E.A., Perathoner, S., Centi, G. Role of small Cu nanoparticles in the behaviour of nanocarbon-based electrodes for the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 (2017) Journal of CO2 Utilization, 21, pp. 534-542.
- Ampelli, C., Tavella, F., Genovese, C., Perathoner, S., Favaro, M., Centi, G. Analysis of the factors controlling performances of Au-modified TiO2 nanotube array based photoanode in photo-electrocatalytic (PECa) cells (2017) Journal of Energy Chemistry, 26 (2), pp. 284-294
- Ampelli, C., Tavella, F., Perathoner, S., Centi, G. Engineering of photoanodes based on ordered TiO2-nanotube arrays in solar photo-electrocatalytic (PECa) cells (2017) Chemical Engineering Journal, 320, pp. 352-362.
- Ampelli, C., Genovese, C., Tavella, F., Perathoner, S., Centi, G. Nano-engineered electrodes for the generation of solar fuels: Benefits and drawbacks of adopting a photo-electrocatalytic (PECa) approach (2017) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 57, pp. 1597-1602.
- Ampelli, C., Genovese, C., Tavella, F., Favaro, M., Agnoli, S., Granozzi, G., Perathoner, S., Centi, G. Assembling of TiO2 nanotube photoelectrodes with enhanced visible properties for a sustainable production of H2 (2015) Chemical Engineering Transactions, 43, pp. 667-672
Daniele Giusi

He carried out a thesis entitled "Determination of particle size of particulate matter via light scattering", at the Institute for Chemical-Physical Processes (IPCF) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Messina.
He graduated in July 2015 with a master’s degree in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Messina.
He carried out a thesis entitled "Development of Ti and Ta nanostructured oxides for the photoreforming of organic waste", at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Chemical and Industrial Engineering (DIECII - Industrial Chemistry Section).
He licensed in December 2015 as a professional chemist, passing the government exam.
He graduated in 30 March 2017 with a second level master degree in "Chemical Analysis and Quality Control" at “La Sapienza”, University of Rome. He carried out an activity at the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection - "Arpa" of Messina for a period of six months. The title of the project was "Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in aqueous and soils matrices".
He currently is attending a PhD in "Engineering and Chemistry of Materials and Constructions" at University of Messina, working in a research project focused on the development of novel photocatalytic systems for the reduction of CO2.